Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Release Date and Cover

Gosh! I have so much to announce/address. First of all, not to keep you in suspense any longer, "Finding Infinity" book three of the Infinity Series will be available on Tuesday, November 26 for the Kindle. For those keeping track, this is earlier than the projected release date of December :-)

I'm working hard to get some teasers ready for you, but I wanted to share a little bit about the book before I begin posting them. I've made it very clear since the first book came out that this is a series of four books. In my mind, I feel like the first two books gave you the background/history on the characters that you needed to fully appreciate the heart of Charlie and Colin's story. That doesn't mean that their story hasn't begun, but I think you need the perspective of where they started to appreciate where they end up.

"Finding Infinity" is much more about Colin than Charlie. I feel that at the end of "From Now Until Infinity" it was clear that Charlie has grown as a person. I don't spend too much time in this book beating a dead horse. Don't get me wrong there is still a lot of Charlie, but "Finding Infinity" is less about her issues and more about Colin and their relationship.

In your reviews and comments of the series, "Colin is perfect" is a common statement. I hope after reading "Finding Infinity" that your comments and reviews will say that "Colin is real." Unlike a lot of reality celebrities, Colin is famous because of he can do something that few other men in the world can do - throw a football far and accurately. I've thought about this idea a lot over the years. Having an extreme talent is such a blessing and a curse. I can honestly say that I wouldn't wish such a gift on anyone because as the verse goes, "to whom much is given, much is required."

This is by far my favorite book of the series. I've read it now probably thirty times. Each time I do, I still cry at a couple of the parts and laugh out loud at others. I can't wait to share it with you. For those who've become fans of Colin and Charlie, I hope that I've done their continued journey justice. To those who are still on the fence about the characters, I hope that you will give them another chance. As I've said before, did anyone really like themselves at nineteen?

I'll tell you now that I don't leave you with any cliff hangers (well, any big ones). In fact, I even debated that I ended this book too cleanly. I wrote an epilogue that made the beta readers cringe. I pulled it because I have faith in you. I have faith that after reading this book, you'll want to go to dinner with Charlie and Colin and get caught up on their lives one more time over a great bottle of wine.

Here is the beautiful cover. I'm in love...

If you'd like to add it to your Goodreads list, here you go (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18331953-finding-infinity).

Also, thank you so much to everyone who's reviewed and recommended the series. I hoped that when I hit publish on "Falling Into Infinity" that it would connect with one person. I'm overwhelmed by your love and support for the series. Hugs!


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